You should say.

.When it was 

.where you waited 

.How long you waited

And explain how you felt about

Your Answer.

I'm the student of university of Allahabad in India and graduating on on recently, I had to wait for a bus to reach my university and that was a horrible experience for me. I will remember the event for long days.Thank you for the question and I will describe the event now. It was last Monday when I had to attend a class in the university in the afternoon. In fact it was a weired timing for is difficult for me to get out in the afternoon.Besides, the sun is bright at the time which is another issue for me. I Like to say at home at this time of the day but had to the set out my journey to university without finding no other ways as the class was very important. I had also to wait for the bus to arrive at the stoppage. I waited for over one hour at the bus stoppage and finally reached at the university. The bus station is adjacent to my residence.Actually, the bus stoppage was a five-minute walk from my home. But the conditions of the bus station were unsatisfactory. The lack of seating arrangement and sheds on top were the most trouble Some issue about the bus station. So, I had to wait under the bright sun Besides,it is also difficult for a young woman like me to wait in an open space. A wide number of vehicular movement made it intolerable to wait beside a busy road. But there were no other ways. There was a crowd of people and every one was waiting for the bus. In fact, the number of busses was reduced on the road for  a strike of bus owner's association on some, they did not allow the busses to play on the road. The sufferings of the ordinary people were really unbearable.

I waited for over one hour for the bus ride.usually, there are lots of buses available in the city but when there are such strikes,the number of busses and other public transport get reduced.At that moment, the ordinary people have to suffer and struggle a lot to reach their destinations. When I went at the buss stoopage,there were only a few people waiting for the bus to arrive. But with the passing of time, there was moderate crowd of people. But unfortunately,the people turned impatient. And when a bus arrived, everyone rushed to ride and I missed the chance that time .it was impossible for me to ride the buss by pushing the, I waited. The next buss arrived about 45 minutes later. It was unmanageable for me to get on the bus that Time too. But I asked everyone to follow the queue so that could everyone to get a seat on the bus. I was  fed up with experience . everyone wanted to get on the bus by pushing others away. Besiy some of the waiting passengers started quarreling over the issue. So,the situations were hot. As a female, it was not possible for me to join with the quarrell and I waited calmly but got irritated with the surrounding events. Finally, when I board the bus, I experienced another situation. There were no empty seats and even the seats reserved for females were filled up. So, I had to make a standing journey. I will not forget the event too soon.


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