Get High score bands in IELTs writting task 1. You can improve your writting task by applying these techniques.


Writing Task 1

You have been living and working in a foreign country, but you have made some plans to go back home. Before you leave, you want to give some furniture to your friend. Write a letter to this friend, in you letter, you should:

1, Describe this piece of furniture
2,Explain why your friend may like it
3,Suggest a way that your friend could take it away.

Write at least 150 words.

A suggested sample is as follows, please note, this is just one possible approach out of many others. I have, however, fully incorporated the instructions from our hero Ryan Higgins.

Dear Leon,

It's been ages since the last time we got together and I have missed you so much, my dear friend. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you, since you have been incredibly helpful during my first few weeks on this marvelous continent, Australia. Over the past few years, I have deeply fallen in love with the life in here. But, unfortunately my visa is about to expire so I have to start packing and leave. Before I go, I would like to give you some of my furniture as a way to say thank you. Let me explain about the details.

Basically, I have this cabinet that I believe you would really love. It contains many separate compartments which is ideal for classifying different types of files. I assume this cabinet can be particularly practical for you since you have been complaining about the fact that the paperwork you have been dealing with is gradually taking over your home office. With the help of this exquisite cabinet, you will never have to worry about that. In addition to the above feature, this cabinet is also painted in your favorite color- light purple. I am sure this cabinet will make your life much easier and delightful.

You can come over to my place on Sunday afternoon to pick it up. The cabinet is actually quite small so you should be able to carry it easily with your car. We will also have dinner afterw


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