There are four assessment criteria which IELTs eexaminers use in evaluating your speaking performance.


2.Fluency and Coherence

 3.Grammaticalange and accuracy

4.Lexical resource

You get 1-9 for each of the four criteria.scores are reported in whole and half bands.Then they are added together and that score is divided by 4. For example pronunciation 6, fluency 6, grammar 7, Vocabulary 7.

You will get (6+6+7+7)/4 =6,5

25 % Pronunciation

1). You don't have to sound like a native speaker (though it would be perfect), you won't be marked on your accent.

2) you should speak so thay you could be easily understood

3) You should pronounce all the words correctly

4) You should put the stress in words properly

What is Pronunciation?

It's the way you say words. You make some sounds which english speakers recognise say words. So good pronunciation is important for speaking and understanding for spoken English.However, pronunciation is hard to improve. The main reason in order is in order to improve you have to change it. But if you have pronounced some sound or sounds incorrectly for many years, you are now used to pronouncing the sound or sounds this way

25% Fluency and Coherence.

1) To speak fluently doesn't mean to speak fast

2) To say fluently means to sound natural;recall the way to speak when you chat with your friends in a cafe.

3) you shouldn't sound mechanical; intonation is very important.

4) You should expand your answers

5) Connect your sentences and ideas using linking words,phrases and linking voices.

Poor performance bands(5-6 ) you make long or very long, frequent pauses after each word, phrase or sentence because you don't know what to say next or how to say that. The answers are short without detail; Your speech is monotonous.

Good performance (band 7-9) you produce content effortlessly;you may make someone,but these pauses are not long and not frequent.

25% Grammatical Resources

1) Should use grammatical structures correctly

2) you should try to use a variety of structures, otherwise an examiner will never guess that you know a lot.

3 ) don't overuse advanced structures as this will not sound natural and you will be marked down on fluency


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