Frequently asked questions about the IELTs speaking test. We can get good band score in speaking Module by doing practice on these questions.

 What happened in the speaking test?

The speaking test lasts roughly 11 minutes, and has 3 parts. You (the candidate) will enter a room where an examiner is sitting at a table; the candidate and the examiner are the only people in the room. Your conversation with the examiner is recorded in order to verify the grade that the examiner gives you. The examiner will your ID and and provide you with paper and a pencil to make notes during part 2 of the test 

What happens in part 1?

The examiner will ask you a series of questions about some parts of your life, for example your home country or your plans for study and work.

What happens on part 2 ?

The examiner gives you a topic to talk about, related to something in your past are present life. You have 1 minute to prepare, and then you need to speak on the topic for between 1 and 2 minutes.

What happens in part 3 ?

The examiner will discuss with you a general topic related to the personal topic in part 2.

How does the examiner mark my speaking?

The examiner is looking for full answers to the question asked, using a wide range of vocabulary and Grammatical structure. The examiner will expect your answers to be relevant, well structured and accurate. This is why you need to use the strategies we teach in this book. The examiner will make notes on a pad while you are speaking; don't try to see what the examiner is writting! 

What are the examiners like? 

IELTs examiners are trained to be friendly, professional and to make you feel comfortable. They are used to candidates being slightly nervous, and they will try to help you relax. 

You should try to build a professional report with the examiner as soon as you meet him/ her. You should smile, say " very nice to meet you" and shake the examiners hand. You should sit at the table in a professional way, as if you were at a seminar or a meeting, placing your hands in view and leaning slightly forward to maintain eye contact. This might be different from your national culture, but it will show the examiner that you are alert and Interested in the test .

How fast should I speak?

Try to speak at a normal professional speed. "Professional" in this context means the way you would speak in a seminar or business meeting in an English-speaking situation. Please note that this may be slower than the speed you naturally speak when talking in your mother tongue language. Don't get very excited or emotional, or make gestures which could be confusing, such as banging the table with your hand.


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