Get high score in the speaking part 1.

 You can improve your speaking part1 by applying these Rules.

Rule Nmubr 1. you like to read books.

Well books are really enjoyable.people like to read books because they find it very relaxing,and they can get a lot of information from books.My father really enjoy reading;and every Friday night,he sits at home with a book and drinks same tea....

An I answering the questions ? No, Iam not.

Definitely,the examiner does know that I did not answer the question because I chose not to.i didn't answer the question.

Rule Number 2:You need to show the examiner something or some things about you English ability, and that can be something about your grammer , something about your vocabulary, something about the organization of your answer,and maybe something about your pronunciation.

We must know the the IELTs is a game,and test is a method with rules that allows you to gain points and lose points.Therefore,in order to be successful with any game and IELTs in particular,wee need to know what the rule are and wee need to know how to gain points,not lose points.

Example: Do You enjoy reading? 

Answer 1. Yes I love to read

Answer 2.To be honest,I hate reading.i think it's stupid hoppy. I think people that read are actually very boring and they annoy me tremendously.

Which answer is best? The first one or second one ???

Of course,the second one.Even though the second answer is a bit range, a bit rude,but that's not what the examiner will mark in the IELTs exam. Good vocabulary,good grammar,good sentence structure; That is what they,how the examiner your English ability.


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