
Get high score in the speaking part 1.

 You can improve your speaking part1 by applying these Rules. Rule Nmubr 1. you like to read books. Well books are really enjoyable.people like to read books because they find it very relaxing,and they can get a lot of information from books.My father really enjoy reading;and every Friday night,he sits at home with a book and drinks same tea.... An I answering the questions ? No, Iam not. Definitely,the examiner does know that I did not answer the question because I chose not to.i didn't answer the question. Rule Number 2:You need to show the examiner something or some things about you English ability, and that can be something about your grammer , something about your vocabulary, something about the organization of your answer,and maybe something about your pronunciation. We must know the the IELTs is a game,and test is a method with rules that allows you to gain points and lose points.Therefore,in order to be successful with any game and IELTs in particular,wee need to

Important tips for Listening IELTS Module

 You can improve your listening Module by applying these crucial tips. 1) LISTENING MUSIC. Music is a Great aid to memory.rhyne,rhythm,and melody help the brain to focus on what is being said and to remember stressed words,which are generally the most important in any passage of speech. Listen to as many songs you can, without looking at subtitles or text and write down what you hear.Then,check with the original lyrics.we all love stories and songs tell them in interesting ways whether about romance , happiness or sadness,song provide memorable stories about different human emotions. 2) WTCH ENGLISH MEDIUM MOVIES. Watching English medium movies will also help you to improve your listening Module. Movies help us predict what will be said by providing visual cues.The body language of an actor as well as their tone of voice.give signs of what is About to be said,so it is a good idea to watch as many entertaining films or TV show as u can  If you record what you are watching,you can practi

IELTs Linking words for IELTs writting task 2

 Linking words are essential for IELTs writting task 2 to get a high. The words list below will help you show the examiner a range of connecting words to get a high score in the criterion of coherence and cohesion which is 25% of your marks.You will be checked on your range,accuracy and your flexibility of linking words in IELTs writting task 2. LINKING WORDS FOR IELTs WRITTING TASK 2. ARE GIVEN BELOW  1)LISTENING AND ORDER. Firstly, Secondly,thirdly, fourthly,lastly/Last But not least/Finally 2) ADDING INFORMATION. In addition, additionally, furthermore, moreover,also,not only...but also,as well as 3)GVING EXAMPLES. For example,one clear example is,for instance,such as,namely,to illustrate,in other words. 4)RESLUTS AND CONSEQUENCES  As a result, consequently, therefore,t hence,so,for this reason 5) HIGHLIGHTING AND STRESSING. Particularly,in particular, specifically, especially, obviously,of course, clearly. 6)CONCESSION AND CONTRASTS. Admittedly, however, nevertheless,even though, al


 1) do you like to use new technology? To be honest I am kind of "low-tech" person. I mean I find it quite challenging to cope with anything related to new technology.Iam still using my phone and laptop as Indispensable items in work and study.but am only able to handle their very basic know learning some new technological advances always takes me plenty of time and effort. 2) Does technology deeply affect people's life? Of course,I believe the development of technology has changed human life dramatically most of aspects of life have been affected.from the way people communicate to human interaction, daily habits work and study and so on.while such technological advancements bring about benefits to support mankind Better, their detrimental effects on certain aspects are. Undeniable 3) Is there any difference between technology in cities and in small towns? Well,due to slower paced lifestyle,the technology in small towns may be a lower standard and develope m

IELTs Sample of Essay writting.Essay one of the Most Important part of The IELTs test.

Some people say that advertisement is extremely successful in persuading us. Other people think that advertisement is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both views and give opinion.                                                                    People’s opinions differ as to whether commercials are still influential or have lost their importance due to omnipresence. Although the presence of adverts on every platform is irritating, in my opinion, they persuade people to buy products. On the one hand, advertising is considered to have no influence, owing to its ubiquity. This is because there are multiple mediums for promoting products such as television, social media, emails, and shopping websites. People encounter them so frequently even twice or thrice a day. Consequently, people not only tend to lose interest in them but also find them irritating. Therefore, most people do not bother to pay interest to these commercials. However, this is the only way to reac


    One of your friends has asked you to be a partner in his new start-up business. Write a letter to him and say – What is your opinion on his new business idea – What have you decided on this matter – What are the reasons for your decision SAMPLE ANSWER Dear Rohan, Hope this letter finds you in radiant health and the best of spirits. Thanks for considering me as a partner for your new business venture. I am sure your idea of opening a restaurant on Banga Road is great because there are no other restaurants in that area. Unfortunately, I will not be able to join you as presently my financial situation is not good and will not be able to contribute my share of the initial investment costs. My mother has not been well lately and a lot has gone into her treatment. Also, I don’t really want to leave my current job, and I think it would be impossible for me to commit to the restaurant project while I’m still working full time. Best of luck with your new business and I am sure you will make

IELTs Reading tips. Improve your IELTs reading by applying these techniques

 IELTS Reading Tips – Improve IELTS Reading 1. Develop skills of each type of question in reading. There are around 14 different types of questions and you need to find a strategy to tackle each one. Some question types have answers that come in order and others do not. This type of information will help you not only save time but also locate the right answers. 2. Skimming and Scanning. You should be able to skim and scan passages to do well in IELTS. Skimming is reading a passage to get a general idea of the content. This is recommended to do before you tackle the questions. All types of questions, except one, are given after the passage because it is recommended to skim read the passage before the questions. This does not mean you try to understand the passage. It’s just a chance to get a sense of the topic and layout. You should skim-read the full passage in 2 to 3 minutes – not longer. At the same time, you should underline any keywords you see. The only types of questions which co