
Some Mytths' About the IELTS test

 1) The IELTs test is more difficult than other English tests. Well, no. The IELTs test is not necessarily any more difficult than other tests, but not all tests assesse the same skills. The IELTs test will certainly challenge you because the training course you are Training course you are considering will be though,too. 2) 1 Can choose which module of the IELTs test 1 wish to take. Not quite. If you want to do a degree course, you MUST take the academic module . The general training module is for diploma level courses and for immigration purposes . But it is true that the IELTs test Module you take determined by the choices you make about your future. 3)  1 can only take the IELTs test a total of 3 times. Not true. You can take the IELTs test as many time as you wish, but you must wait three months before u take the test again. This is the minimum time considered necessary to improve upon your overall band score. 4) 1 can successfully study for the test by myself. We do not think so.

Get High score bands in IELTs writting task 1. You can improve your writting task by applying these techniques.

  Writing Task 1 You have been living and working in a foreign country, but you have made some plans to go back home. Before you leave, you want to give some furniture to your friend. Write a letter to this friend, in you letter, you should: 1, Describe this piece of furniture 2,Explain why your friend may like it 3,Suggest a way that your friend could take it away. Write at least 150 words. A suggested sample is as follows, please note, this is just one possible approach out of many others. I have, however, fully incorporated the instructions from our hero Ryan Higgins. Dear Leon, It's been ages since the last time we got together and I have missed you so much, my dear friend. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you, since you have been incredibly helpful during my first few weeks on this marvelous continent, Australia. Over the past few years, I have deeply fallen in love with the life in here. But, unfortunately my visa is about to expire so I have to start packing a


 You should say. .When it was  .where you waited  .How long you waited And explain how you felt about Your Answer. I'm the student of university of Allahabad in India and graduating on on recently, I had to wait for a bus to reach my university and that was a horrible experience for me. I will remember the event for long days.Thank you for the question and I will describe the event now. It was last Monday when I had to attend a class in the university in the afternoon. In fact it was a weired timing for is difficult for me to get out in the afternoon.Besides, the sun is bright at the time which is another issue for me. I Like to say at home at this time of the day but had to the set out my journey to university without finding no other ways as the class was very important. I had also to wait for the bus to arrive at the stoppage. I waited for over one hour at the bus stoppage and finally reached at the university. The bus station is adjacent to my residence.Actually, the bus

IELTS AT HOME.HOW TO PREPARE IELTS AT HOME???.................................................. SOME TRICKS ARE GIVEN BELOW

 The IELTS exam one of the most rcoganised english language proficiency test in the world. passing this exam will bring you closer to studying in 140 different countries, and prepare you for the all important everyday conversation in an english speaking country. IELTS measure your Writting, Listening, Reading and Speaking skill in the english language.The exam also evaluates your communication skills needed for study in an english speaking country.The qualification is accepted by over 10,000 Government departments, employes, immigration authorities and other professional bodies across the globe . Here are some handy tips designed to help you prepare for you IELTS Exam at home. 1MAKE A PLAIN WHICH WORKS FOR YOU . Before you open your IELTS Exam book, its important that you plan  out your study schedule. when preparing for a big test like this, Time management is very important. it has been proven that anxiety and stress do not help your retain  information. this is why creating a balanc

IELTS LISTENING PRCTICE TIPS ..................How to use practice test

 It's good idea to do practice tests (e.g using the Cambridge IELTs books) in preparation for the Listening exam.Here is some advice to help you benefit from doing practice test: 1.YOUR SCORE IS NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. In practice test.The important thing is what you have learnt by doing the test. were there any new words or phrase that you can learn? What did you find difficult ?Did any of the question trick you? In other words, what do I need to do to improve your score. 2. CHECK HOW ACCURATE YOUR ANSWERS ARE. Be stric with yourself, every grammer or spelling mistake is important. For example, if the speaker says "The library has a collection of newspapers," you must not write "Collection of newspaper" 3. GET INTO THE HABIT OF MOVING ON. If you missed something,forget about it and move on. Always prepare for the next question  rather than worrying about a previous question. When you are given 30 seconds to check your answers, use the time to look at the


 TASK DESCRIPTION  The input for this type of question will be a summary of all or  part of the reading text. The summary contain a number of gaps. All of the information in the summary will be contained in the reading text, although the words used will be different .you will also be provided with a list of words to use to fill the gaps .there will be more words than gaps. these words have been chosen so that only one word will be suitable for each gap the answer but other words may  appear suitable distracters  Your task is to complete the summary using one word from the list for each gap. Because the summary is a paraphrase of the reading text rather than in editing version, you will need to have a good understanding of the overall meaning and main points of the section summarized, rather than a detailed understanding the test. HOW YOU CAN UNDERSTAND SUMMARY COMPLETION QUESTIONS. STEP1: Read the instruction carefully .note that in this case you have to choose your answers from the wo

IELTS writting task 2 Major Tips

 Task 2 writting. Let's start with Task 2 essay. You might be thinking: why? Shouldn't we start with the task 1 essay. I always advise my students to write the task two essay first.There are two reasons for this: 1)The task w is worth more towards your final band score than the task 1 essay. 2)The task 1 essay does not require a conclusion,so if you run out of the time while you are writing your task 1 essay,it won't impact your score as much as if you run out of time writting your task 2 INFORMATION ABOUT THE TASK 2 ESSAY. You will be given 40 minutes to write your task 2 essay. You need to write AT LEAST 250 words.if you write less than 250 words, you will be penalised and your score will be lower. Task 2 essay require you to write about a current global topic ,to give your opinion, and to show that you are able to construct a coherent academic essay. Some points you will be evaluated on: Have you answered the question? Have you organised your essay into clear,logical par